Apr 27, 2005

smoking chimpanzee

Trying to change a mother or father's bad habits is not unlike trying to civilize a mountain gorilla. You spend plenty of time teaching him to communicate via gestures and phrases. You start believing you've made progress. But turn your back for a moment and when next you look, he's standing there eating a handful of his own shit and you realize you're basically still at square one. And I haven't the time to even begin discussing the gorilla...


Anonymous said...

Oh! Oh! I know what you're referring to, even without the specific description. My husband and I laughed ourselves silly at that guy when we saw the story (CNN?) last weekend. He learned to smoke by imitating people, and now people throw him cigarettes and lighters and he hides them from the zookeeper until he can smoke himself silly. Now there's a zoo worth a visit!

보보 said...

"Trying to change a mother or father's bad habits.." >> i think this applies to evil little cousins as well...hehehe

Martini Love said...

Great I smell a law suit, blame the tobacco companies

Martini Love said...

Great I smell a law suit, blame the tobacco companies

Anonymous said...

I can only iomagine school trips to the zoo taking on new meanings!

Lois Lane said...

I read this story on the AP wire a few days ago and couldn't believe it. Crazy!
Lois Lane

Anonymous said...

You are so funny. Thanks for the giggle. :D