Apr 19, 2005


I'm here to foist my intelligence upon you!! E=mc2. Vermeer. El Greco. Counterpoint. Resonance. What light from yonder window breaks. Here me speak of planaria. Floating Point Units. Compton Effect. Ohm's Law. I will crush you with my knowledge of the fibula! Convert atmospheres to millimeters of Mercury 'til you beg for mercy. Oedipus complex. Osmosis. Solve the NJ property tax dilemma. Parles-tu français? Detail a 4-cycle engine until I'm blue in the face behind my windshield. Yet you STILL can't figure out how to merge on a roadway!!!


Sara said...

This is reminiscent of my post today (as well as the one I did in secret). Driven by something intense, delivered stream-of-consciousnessly. Nonetheless resonant, yours at least. I won't comment on mine. Is it the air? The fibula.

L said...

Henry Miller! harmonic resonance and converging oscillations..... merde

glomgold said...

Over my irritation at the ignorami on the roads. You hear what I say, I see what you mean. Simpatico! I certainly know you need not be foisted upon. I trust your abilities to merge 2 lanes of traffic into one without devolving into armageddon on axles. This is the most French I've used in a decade!