Mar 23, 2005


A well-thought-out name makes all the difference. Take 'blunderbuss' for example. It's fun to say but does not inspire user confidence. That is due to the presence of the word 'blunder' in it. Now, a pilot of an A-10 Tank Killer is certain he'll do some damage on his next air strike. A fellow donning a bulletproof vest has that added level of security. You pick up a screwdriver you're feeling damn sure you'll be driving some screws. However, if you're purchasing a robotic nanny, the Inept5000™ probably will make you cringe. And you would most likely regret bringing that kid 'Charlie the human diarrhea'© with you on that long road trip. Moral? Pay attention to the nuances in a name; they may save you a lot of grief and/or time otherwise spent upholstery-scrubbing in the backseat.

Cereal Review, Klassix:
Kellogg's OJ's cereal. Orange juice flavored cereal. Failure.


Karen Schmautz said...

I looked up blunderbuss because I thought it meant a clumsy person, but I see that it also has something to do with guns...I learn something everyday. You are right, it doesn't really inspire much confidence.

Usually when I visit your site I need to have the dictionary in the next window. Heh!

By the by, thanks for the tips on adding links to my blog.

katie said...

OJ cereal? Thanks for the heads up, I will be avoiding it.

PinkQuacker said...

OK, who ever thought of OJ cereal should be shot!! Brave of you to try it

Happy and Blue 2 said...

How about Blog. Not an apt name for sharing with non blog friends. I spent 3 hours on my blog. Sounds like a waste of time..hey,wait a minute..

L said...

I will avoid that cereal like the plague!

Violet said...

OJ cereal wouldn't be a good idea, because I know from experience that fruit juice + milk = stomach ache

Anonymous said...

I think some of the best lines come from translations. trying to make American words and trademarks international doesn't work very well!

Now where did I put that stub-a-lot?

Anonymous said...

Doesn't OJ and milk curdle?

Anonymous said...

Holy shit, you're dead wrong about OJ Cereal. That cereal was a work of art. After the Swedish Chef's "Croonchy Stars" it is the greatest cereal in the history of the NFL.