Mar 29, 2005

"Nigga gots a shaved head, yo!!"

Ah! Finally allowed access. Damn blogger.
The other night in the Portuguese (Ironbound) section of Newark I had a chance sidewalk encounter with a large collective of rambunctious Latinos and Blacks. In particular there was a brief exchange with one of their party for he, due to reasons completely incomprehensible to me, got a real kick out of seeing a Chinese guy with a shaved head and needed to tell me this. You'd think he just got off the teacups ride at Disneyland he was having such a blast. Last week, basketball player Dikembe Mutombo received a technical foul in a game because the ref said "he was taunting me with his smile". Could this have been the case? Was this guy taunting me with his jolliness? I dunno. Anyway chico/niggaro, if you're reading this, happy to have made your evening. It just goes to show me two things: 1. I never know what counts as entertainment around here and 2. it'd be a leadpipe cinch selling products to this fellow. Just slap a picture of my face on everything from sneakers to baby food and watch the cash roll in!
Our top restaurant choice was no longer seating; the alternate was ok. The frango de churrasco's saltiness made me super-parched but it was tasty. I didn't order in Portuguese because (this I'm certain) my pronunciation would cause the waiter either to laugh alot or vomit aplenty. Anyway, next time I go back I dunno if I should wear a hat or a ring around my neck of those little spotlights one attaches to the bottoms of paintings. I think it'll depend on the weather.

Repulsive Person(s) of the Week: Those Schiavo "pro-lifers". In recent mornings I've listened to John Gambling, a conservative AM talk radio host. He's of the opinion the federal gov'mint has no business meddling in this Schiavo thing, nor should they enact a blanket law regarding feeding-tube removals since each case varies quite a bit. So far so good right? You can't imagine the amount of "You deserve to die die die you asshole!!!" type hatemail he's received and read on air from his (now former) "pro-life" conservative listeners. So, braindead is not a case for ending life. But the other kind of braindead, the "Egads! Contrasting opinion!!" type, the 'bomb abortion clinics to kill doctors' type, that's ok. Yikes!
Maybe what we need is some report of Elian Gonzalez marrying an Arab woman who showed her nipple on TV and now wants to abort a coma-baby. Just deal with all this dumb shit at the same time.


katie said...

The hypocricy (why oh why don't the comments have spell check) is amazing.

"what we need is some report of Elian Gonzalez marrying an Arab woman who showed her nipple on TV and now wants to abort a coma-baby. "
That just made my day. Now I have to find something to remove the pepsi from my computer screen. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

YES! While I can understand the perspectives of all the parties involved, I'm so SICK of professional Christians. And I agree with Katie. "what we need is some report of Elian Gonzalez marrying an Arab woman who showed her nipple on TV and now wants to abort a coma-baby." That right there is gold.