Nov 17, 2005

Snoopy eat your heart out

It was not raining outside but inside Jean-Philippe's heart was a monsoon, if one were to substitute blood for rainwater and gastro-intestinal gas, most assuredly due to the over-consumption of turnips at the dinner table, for gale-force winds. His entire body shook & trembled as though it were an obese man's stomach that had just been slapped, hard, by a 23 lb. large-mouth bass, or maybe even a rainbow trout though most certainly a fresh-water fish rather than one native to salt or brackish waters. There were tiny thunderclaps of pain inside Jean-Philippe, complete with tiny lightning-like electrical shocks, though the shocks came first and the thunder second because light travels faster than sound, idiot. His stomach wrenched in anguish like a plumber trying to tighten a heavy-duty, all-brass 1 ½" slip-joint nut coated in a layer of spooge. "Sacré Dieu!" he whined shrilly with a most punch-in-the-face-worthy expression. "J'ai besoin un café au lait mais n'il ya pas un Starbucks ici". Then a man shot and killed him in a hailstorm of bullets which is not to be confused with a hailstorm of golfball-sized ice aggregates which would surely dent the roof of your car. Better park in the garage tonight.


kim said...

God! Who eats turnips anymore?

Sara said...

This thoroughly captivated me. Thoroughly.

p.s. to Kim: my dad eats turnips.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

That sounds like a reading from one of William Gibson's novels.

Violet said...

It actually sounds like an entry into a "worst writing" competition.

PBS said...

Such interesting detail!

Happy and Blue 2 said...

I'm glad he died. He was in a lot of pain..

sumo said...'ve been smokin' some of that Pandora's box ain't ya?

boudica of suburbia said...

Sacre Bleu!

Pauvre Jean-Phillipe, peut-être il sera plus heureux dans le ciel - ils n'ont pas de navets là.

Tout mon amour et adoration pour vos histoires surnaturelles.


glomgold said...

boudica- Je crois que non. Et merci. J'écrit le français comme un imbécile.

Anonymous said...

I've been reading this blog for months, you are finally beginning to make sense with this one.

glomgold said...

Anonymous, this is then a moment of clarity for either you or me.