Feb 8, 2005

"allo allo. this is night'awk, do you read me?"

Once upon a time, in a work email sent to perhaps 8 colleagues, I spelled the word 'recognize' with an 's'. The next day I was pulled aside by a senior member in my tech group and told to "be sure to spell-check before sending out messages". This by a plumber-turned-computerguy (who started every message "Enclosed please find")! Last I recall neither of those 2 groups to which he belonged are well known for winning spelling bees nor for their grammar expertise. Another time I used the word 'nigh' in a group email and was 'dressed down' by a different sr. systems admin. for using a word people (read: he) didn't understand. In addition said fellow also scoffed at me for adding milk into my cup of hot cocoa. What world is this???


Sara said...

This world you speak of sickens me. I can't believe it's real--even though it frequently intersects with my world in this here workplace. Gross.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

My workplace is nothing like that. If I get an email with punctuation at all, I'm happy.

my emuls lok mur lyk this?!?!?!?! ;)

And milk in hot cocoa? I wouldn't say anything, but I would raise an eyebrow. I thought hot cocoa already has milk in it.

Happy and Blue 2 said...

I used to have similar problems with school and work until a wise person gave me the mantra "Must become drone,must become drone"
Say this over and over again each morning until you have smartened up.

L said...

I could be your character witness if you ever completely lose it; I'll tell the court "they had it coming"

Number Mouth said...

Oh My LORD! Kris/wundurshark always teases me because I use an "s" in recognise and apologise...words such as these, basically.

I say "Feck off!" to anyone who can't stand the heat of my accidental brit talk.

Frally said...

Let me have a go at them! I will be all pompous and full of myself seeing I live in New Zealand where we speak the Queen's English, and recognise with an "S" is actually correct.
While I'm ranting, it's colour with a "u" and 'I learnt something', not 'I "learned" something'.

Continue about your business.