Nov 5, 2004

"This is an intellectual-free zone"

As my man Harris K. Telemacher said. For example, recently some friends and I ventured into Borders. I was picking up some poetry books (for someone else). Now, I cannot quite describe the speed with which our conversation turned from poetry to "Def Jams's Fight for NY" videogame, but I think there might've been a shockcone accompanying it. Hmm, I guess I just did describe it. And for more of your reading pleasure here is a news story my friend told me about. "maybe it's intellectual to you because you were educated with a banana and an innertube". Ahh...LA Story...


Sara said...

That's fantastic, the lion story.

And to do the it really so embarrassing to admit to buying poetry? For the sake of my special purpose I should hope not.

Sara said...

I just noticed you've linked me "the art of textual massage". That pleases me, that rocks. Feel free to disclaim yourself from buying poetry for the rest of life.