Oct 29, 2007

Terrible Phrases

There are a multitude of terrible phrases in the English language. Word constructs that make one's blood boil and eyes pop. Here are a few for today:

- "Your call is important to us..."

- "Puff Daddy is a musical genius"

- "Ha Ha Ha! Only in New York..."

- "It's a boy!"

- "It's a girl!"


Les Becker said...

...and "You have been selected for a 3-minute touch-tone survey..."

"Congratulations! You've won a pre-paid vacation for two at..."

I can't torture a recording, dammit!

Violet said...

Personally, "Jesus loves you" kinda irks me.

Rhea said...

"For young and old alike!"

"Hot enough for ya?!"

Nigel G Mitchell said...

My favorite?

"If this is an emergency, hang up and dial 911." Like I wouldn't think of that. And that phrase pops up in the most bizarre places. Like I'm going to get stabbed and lie there bleeding to death, going, "Must...call...pharmacy...refill prescription..."