Oct 15, 2007

I'm a fool

You know what's a surefire joke for me? Someone accidentally dips his finger in ink or mud and then later, unknowingly, puts said finger to his upper lip while in thought resulting in a fake Hitler mustache. I dunno why. Either it's because I appreciate the ability of Jews to make light of such a ghastly villain and the heinous acts he perpetrated on their people, or it's just a really goofy lookin' mustache.
If all else fails, I also appreciate a good slip on a banana peel.


Les Becker said...

Ever see somebody walk into a steel utility pole? There really is a "CLANG!" Just like in the movies. Funny as hell. Big headache afterward, but it's still funny.

Violet said...

I like the sound of "uranus"

Anonymous said...

I love seeing people fall down, and if somebody with an accidental Hitler mustache were to fall down, well, that would be beautifully hysterical.

Maurice Mitchell said...

Classic. My favorite Hollywood version of this joke was the scene in "Rat Race" where he gives the WWI vets the finger while dressed as Hitler. classic.
The Seinfeld joke is a close second.
LOL @Suzi