May 12, 2005

A series of unfortunate events

Due to some serious busyness recently I've been unable to post, nor visit all the other lovely blogs, as frequently as I'd like. I've added some blog-links at the bottom of the list and will continue to do so when time permits.

My shoulder pain has spread to my upper back and secret informants tell me either my earlobes or buttocks will be next, depending on which direction the evil forces swerve.

My WindowsME P.O.S. refuses to talk to both my Linux & XP machines. That's like a strung-out, child-molesting hobo turning his nose up at Gandhi & De Niro, respectively (I'm talking latter, "Meet the Fockers" De Niro though, not the early "Raging Bull" one). It's also quite a slap in the face for an IT poseur like myself.

And to complete the shaftage, my browser icon, which I use to quicklink to my blog, has suddenly turned into the FOX network logo! Woe is me...


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for linking me! What's this about your shoulder pain, how did that happen? Hope it gets better and not worse, as your secret informants predict. At least you have a sense of humor about the computer difficulties! "shaftage" lol!

Happy and Blue 2 said...

This is the first I have read about this mysterious pain as well. I hope it's not contagious..

Violet said...

you should get some massage action for your shoulder pain, and do some virus-checking for your browser problem.

Hope you're not too stressed.

Anonymous said...

Shoulder pain spreading to upper back. . .your lungs okay? Maybe you oughtta have that checked out.

Shaftage. *insert Beavis laugh here* What an excellent word.

glomgold said...

Can't remember where the pain's from but you should here me crack my sternum these days!
I believe I'm immune to browser attacks due to my devotion to the almighty Opera!.
Perhaps I will look into this massage thing though. Your Romania offer is very generous but I've heard many recent arrests in NJ's illicit massage parlor trade. Staying local might save me $1000. Not sure what the infectious disease trade-off will be!

L said...

hope you feel better soon! I don't know what I'd do without your cereal reviews!

Martini Love said...

I keep forgetting to add you because they ask me to work... I will do it today I am determined .. ahhhhh I am so forgettful