May 3, 2005

In with a roar, out with a whimper

So I foolishly believed the NJ Nets would win not one but TWO games vs. the Miami Heat. I also reasoned that the team (excepting Krstic & RJ who were outstanding) would NOT play as though auditioning for a Living Dead movie. Silly, I know! (sniff)

Check this out. The 'pregnant women' & 'back-injured' I get. But too fat to clip your own nails? Time to re-evaluate your life maybe. And $79!?! Exploitation!


Anonymous said...

My sincere condolences on the Nets' loss. Really though. Shaq and Wade? No team made up solely of human beings can defeat them.

I'd have happily paid $79 for that toenail clipper last summer, when my mom had hip relpacement surgery. It's oogy cutting another adult's toenails. Trust me on that.

Adrienne said...

My daughter and I were hoping that the Net's would provide more of a challenge to the ego of Shaq.

Pistons are still in it and maybe advance tonight! YAY!

glomgold said...

Yeah! Stoopit Shaq!! Pistons will definitely beat the Sixers tonight.

Now that you mention it, $79 doesn't sound like too much to pay to avoid cutting another's toenails.

Mr Anigans said...

you gotta have a steady hand for that....or else you might just snip some skin off with that.

portuguesa nova said...

That is the yuckiest foot picture ever.

Lois Lane said...

Just like they have Happy Meal toys... What choo wanna bet Mc Donalds will soon be giving those away with their super sized meals?! LOL!
Lois Lane

glomgold said...

Yeah, that's like a picture of a troll's foot. There's no ankle, the angles are all wrong. And there's only 3 giant, deformed fingers on the hand too! Blech!!

Anonymous said...

The Nets did pick up Vince Carter. I could have told you from RaptorLand that he would never perform when under pressure.

Highlight nights with a useless career.