Dec 29, 2004

This just in!!

Last night the PAX network aired the award for the GMA 'Praise and Worship album of the year' and the winner was Offering II. I dunno if that's a band or an album but, woohoo! I didn't stick around to watch the band's thank yous (I'm guessing god was mentioned in there somewhere, just a hunch) cuz it was also Vince Carter's debut with the Nets and commercial breaks only last so long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

just curious, how does anyone know what God looks like? Jesus is not God.I think us white folks want him to be white because we have a superior mentality. early bibilical stories take place in africa. i believe Jesus is black and so was everyone else. We want our savior to look like us so we can feel like we're closer or out-rank blacks, but we don't.