Dec 6, 2004

It's crunchtime!!!

Parents, I cannot stress to you enough the importance of teaching your children the difference between 'crunchtime' and 'lunchtime'. Granted, they sound similar but ignorance is no excuse. Last week my nephew was in the huddle during the latter stages of a tight football game. When the coach bellowed "it's crunchtime you nancy-boys!" nephew proceeded to take a seat and chow down on a ham sandwich. In the aftermath he and our family could have died from the overbearing shame which practically dangled over our heads like a bread and baloney Sword of Damacles. Ok. I made up the entire story and I don't even have a nephew, but better safe than sorry right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Made up that whole story just to make the Damacles reference, huh? Sychophant.