Dec 10, 2004

the definition of naïve

In college a buddy* of mine was pledging a fraternity and was busy trying to convince us to do so as well. When asked why, his response was, "C'mon! It's free beer and 50 instant friends". Need I even mention that it was, in fact, not so? (well I just did anyway) Sadly, these are the life lessons we all must go through, though some much later than others. As long as you learn from 'em I guess.

*not quite a friend-friend, 'buddy' is the de facto word of choice for post-collegiates as it, like ska, was nowhere to be found pre-university. 'Chum' is too old-fashioned and conjures images of rotten-fish sharkbait, and 'bro' is too Homie and thus tends to scare off the non-wigger Caucasian sect.


whatever said...

what 'reedonkulous' comment? sometimes i forget where i've been!

Sara said...

and what could be better than 50 instant friendships founded on superficial debauchery?

i'm sorry. that was judgmental and rude of me.

in college i lived next to a frat house that got shut down for excessive debauchery, essentially. they switched out all their Greek letters and signs for beer-brand insignia. once as i was walking into my bedroom, toward the window (i was on the second floor) i spotted one of them standing on the roof, with his pants down and his wang dangling out in the air. i did a triple-take. that wasn't the only out-of-place flashing i experienced while in college.

Number Mouth said...

I'm a part time wigger-caucasian.