Oct 29, 2004

all is not well

All is not well in the land of Vespuccia. I understand if people hated or loved Clinton, I can fathom tepid supporters of either Bush or Kerry, I can comprehend fans of Nader. I do NOT understand hard-core GW Bush fans. Far too many of them seem immune to reason and questioning. At a time when this country is possibly as divided as it's been since the civil war, discussion is important. However, whether an idea is right or wrong is not even open to debate with so many GWB people. Now, that type of blinders-on, black and white simplified approach works fine for a sub-standard IQ prez. Every morning is just another game of cops and robbers for him. But there cannot be that many Least Common Denominator types out there, can there? It boggles the mind. Of interest is this editorial in which a conservative, citing other conservatives, raises questions about some screwy possible commentary by GWB (whether verified as accurate or not, does it surprise anyone that it's conceivable?). I suppose I have just grown accustomed to rabid left and right media extremists spewing their partisan bile and vomit and that's why I find that post peculiar. Speaking of partisan vomit, have you seen this clip of the pie-ing attempt at Ann Coulter, jingoistic harlot? A shame the students missed. Next time I suggest they forego the cream pie filling in favor of one consisting of gasoline and styrofoam. And connect, to the face, and especially the vocal cords.


aprilbapryll said...

that column is amazing but not surprising. what is interesting is that the link at the bottom is "why you should vote for nader" which, while in a perfect world would be great (i know one of those other 6 people on ballot have to be more upstanding and interesting than kerry and bush), pulls more votes away from kerry and therefore would stick the vespuccian public with bush ... again. i wish to move to prague for 4 years. anybody what an exchange non-student? i'll teach your child english! and goodness knows you need that in this world, it becoming the world of vespuccia and everything. :) one can hope that kerry wins and one of those radical bushies pops a cap in his ass. maybe not killing him, but maybe they'll take another look at "terry's law".

aprilbapryll said...
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aprilbapryll said...

hey, now i don't think that's quite fair. i mean, we got stuck with a bush too, and we get all your old people when you don't want them anymore! oh, and i want to move to south carolina. then i won't care what you say about florida.

glomgold said...

Actually, I liked Florida when I visited. You can keep the old people; we got enough around here. Driving during weekday afternoons is like bumper cars with all these fogeys. That Jeb Bush guy sucks too and what's up with all those rich Enron-y types being allowed to keep their sprawlin' Florida estates when they declare bankruptcy? That's what I don't get; punish them!!!