Oct 23, 2005

Push butt    Rub       gently under  arm

Ladies may be unaware but this is the most famous cluster of words known to the american male. "One small step for man"? pff. "It's not what your country can do for you"? Fuhgeddaboudit (even to see this written phonetically is shameful. What a played out expression).
Anyways practically all restrooms here have electric hand dryers. Attached to most are printed metal placards listing instructions for use: "Push button. Rub hands gently under warm air". I've yet to witness firsthand their defacement but I assure you, any public men's room dryer not brand-spankin' new has been altered. Why? Why is the sky blue? Why do rubberneckers grind to a halt on the freeway to ogle car accidents? Why does okra feel like it's been dipped in saliva and not just any saliva but the kind one gets after drinking a glass of milk? It is nature's way.
I am curious to know if this phenomena occurs in: A.) ladies rooms & B.)non-american restrooms. Any info would be much appreciated.


kim said...

I have to say I haven't seen it and I've been to many a womens' restroom.

Rainypete said...

Interesting. Maybe I'll have to begin researching this one. I'll print out a copy of this post and submit it to our local university for a research grant. Imagine an army of university students storming our bathrooms en masse to confirm/deny the state of these placards.

katie said...

Hmm. Never noticed it before.
By the way, thanks for the help with the file recovery, I got stuff back!!

Sara said...

I have seen defaced placard's in ladies' rooms and I don't get it. Maybe it's just because I don't get off on graffiti and vandalism in general. I don't know. To each his own. Push butt.

Happy and Blue 2 said...

It hasn't occured here yet but it will now that I know about it..

seriously? said...

many a-women's restrom has been defaced. you'd be surprised what they do to the sanitary napkin and tampos dispensers, too...not to mention the diaper changing stations. women are gross.

by the way, i fancy okra.

seriously? said...


seriously? said...


Violet said...

Okra sounds disgusting. Why would anyone eat it?

glomgold said...


Kevin said...

My favorite is when they add the third step-

3. Wipe hands on pants.

Some day I'm gonna go on a three year bender and write the great american Coffee table book about bathroom grafitti. Like "you don't buy beer-you rent it". I just have to stop being so damned diabetic all the time. And needy. all this whining about and trying to get money for food.

boudica of suburbia said...

i love grafitti on toilet walls... love it!

the best one I've seen (and I blogged about it I think) was

"Be right back -Godot"



sumo said...

I do my absolute best not to use public restrooms...I prefer going in the bushes. Not too much chance of grafitti there I'm afraid.

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow I am going to place some snorky okra on a women's room dryer, in honor of Glomgold.

PBS said...

I kind of like graffiti and vandalism of signs. But haven't seen that in women's restrooms.

L said...

I find graffiti amusing, but this has, unfortunately, not been done in women's restrooms as far as I can see...

Mike said...

I found a t-shirt with the hand dryer text:

