Jul 7, 2005

Fundamentalist lunatics

Best of luck to Londoners & England as they collect themselves; hopefully the casualties and damage is much less than anticipated. Sadly, in the state the world is in, such attacks probably cannot be averted with security measures, espionage, "Patriot Acts" and so on and so forth. There is plenty of blame to go around as to why things are the way they are but the immediate lion's share goes to radical nutjobs, which always seems the case throughout history. In time this form of extremism will die down, likely to be replaced by another, but I hope one day people will learn to peacefully coexist, not only with themselves but with the universe. More likely people will blow each other to kingdom come which, frankly, might be just as well.


Martini Love said...

Very very gooood post. I agree with you I just couldn't think of how to say what I was thinking :)

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Good post. There are lunatics in the world. They probably got their start as school yard bullies.
I think it's important that blame is placed on the few lunatics and not on a whole country,a race or religious group for the acts of a few..