Jan 9, 2006

2005, a year in review

A solar calendar year has passed which means everything is new right? Therefore there is hardly any news yet in 2006 and makes the time ripe for a retrospective. Here's a summary of things I've learned from 2005.

  • Man, Mother Nature will still fuck you up.

  • Celebrity nuptials and/or a ribbon purchase means americans can forget there are wars a-goin' on. Afghani-wha? $3 trillion budget? Does it star Brangelaniston?

  • "Dancing with the Stars" was a primetime hit. Who knew? That it was a show I mean.

  • The NBA's institution of a dress code ensured that kids will learn the 2 most important lessons in life: 'You can't fight city hall' & 'DO judge a book by its cover'. For a more in-depth analysis of this topic (and many more), visit Monkey Migraine Mountain. It'll blow your l'il monkey mind.

  • Christmas items were on store shelves alongside Halloween ones in late August. Hmm, it might've been early September.

  • I severely curtailed my DVD & CD purchasing and the sky did not fall as anticipated.

  • Boy, there sure were a lot of good DVDs & CDs that came out in 2005.

  • The gov'mint & mega-globo corps like the oil industry can do whatever the fuck they please and there is nada that can be done. Zip! So don't even waste yer time puckerin' up yer hole.

  • Shockingly, good BBQ can be found in Jersey after all!

Here's to 2006!


Violet said...

Our own version of Dancing with the Stars was a major hit on tv too. The winning couple included a hefty rugby player.

Being brainy is no insurance of a good income - I think someone wrote a book about it; it's called Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Rainypete said...

Wayy too many good movies released on DVD. I'd go broke trying to get them all. As for the job market, it's definitely more of a who you know than a what you know. This isn't new nor likely to change anytime soon.

sumo said...

Who would have thought...BBQ in Jersey! I am mystified.

Martini Love said...

Dancing with the stars being a hit just goes to show people do get lobotomies still.

Happy and Blue 2 said...

If the degree isn't working maybe you should take up dancing..

katie said...

Now brad and ang are having a baby. The coverage may never stop. I can see it now, breaking into the state of the union address to announce the kids birth. Yikes.

Artificial Wisdom said...

Ahh, you've got you're degree. Now you can go to Asia to look for a job.

And nice profile pic. Makes you look samurai.

Dmonster said...

Good BBQ in New Jersey??

Would you happen to know by any chance where I can get some good BBQ in California? haha

glomgold said...

I think in California one needs first worry about getting good pizza & bagels before moving on to the BBQ quandary.

sumo said...

There is good pizza and bagels in Los Angeles...thank you very much! I guess you just didn't know where to go for it...eh?

boudica of suburbia said...

Ach I love Stictly Come Dancing (the original Dancing with Stars) Its fantastic. And yes, Im an old, old woman.


glomgold said...

Sumo, you are the first to have ever made this claim!