Jan 29, 2006

Jan 25, 2006

81 pts?

Fuck that shit. Wilt Chamberlain I understand cuz he was the baddest man on the planet and there's nothing anyone could do about it (he freakin' finger-rolled shots b/c he was afraid of breaking defenders' hands should they try to block his dunks fer crying out loud!!). As I've told everyone I know, you'd better believe if the Oak-man were still in the NBA Kobe would've been bleeding and broken in the 8th row by point 40. Toronto Raptors have no pride whatsoever and the commissioner should strongly consider kicking them out of the league immediately.

On a lighter note, today whilst calling some client rep. on the phone to ask if he were ready to process his blah-di-blah, the 80s-movie-Michael-Douglas-wannabe went off on me for several minutes. His rant ended with, "I'm always ready. I'm ready now, I was ready yesterday, I'm ready tomorrow, I was BORN ready." I would not have been a bit surprised if he finished with, "I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast". No sir.

Jan 23, 2006

cheap bastard

Call me frugal, thrifty, a cheapskate, miser, skinflint, scrooge*, niggard, coupon clipper, tightwad, pennypincher, whatever, but $2.70 for a 1 lb. container of mediocre brand cottage cheese is bonkers. Actually don't call me 'skinflint' cuz that sounds too much like 'skinflute'.
*The real Flintheart Glomgold would never allow himself to be called Scrooge (McDuck).

Brainstorm 2k6:
Remember those temperature-sensitive, color-changing t-shirts (Hypercolor™)?Why the hell doesn't Hasbro license a company to produce Transformer logoed t-shirts where the autobot/decepticon sign would change color? It'd be like walking around with your very own rub-off sign© on your chest. That's pure gold baby!

Jan 19, 2006

happy happy, joy joy

Dear friend K was kind/cruel enough to introduce to me THIS oh-so-wonderful-but-completely-unnecessary item. GAT 203 is quite the looker, eh? The key is the instructional Flash demo at the bottom of the page.

Jan 14, 2006

Madge, you're soaking in it

Been exhausted so far this year and still recuperating a bit. In the meantime here's some nonsense. Ultra Palmolive dish detergent claims it's "Toughest On Grease" but maybe they need to meet Vinnie DeLuca who, when watching the film, just won't stop yapping about how awful Travolta & Olivia Newton-John are.

Cereal review: Breadshop's "Gourmet Raspberry 'n Cream Granola"
You know, it's granola. Tough to criticize that. But I'll try! There's not enough raspberries in it and yet it's a little more tart than I'd prefer. At least it's very natural with only 9 total ingredients, one of which isn't sugar. But I can add that badboy in myself. I think I can find more granola elsewhere for the price I paid.

Jan 9, 2006

2005, a year in review

A solar calendar year has passed which means everything is new right? Therefore there is hardly any news yet in 2006 and makes the time ripe for a retrospective. Here's a summary of things I've learned from 2005.

  • Man, Mother Nature will still fuck you up.

  • Celebrity nuptials and/or a ribbon purchase means americans can forget there are wars a-goin' on. Afghani-wha? $3 trillion budget? Does it star Brangelaniston?

  • "Dancing with the Stars" was a primetime hit. Who knew? That it was a show I mean.

  • The NBA's institution of a dress code ensured that kids will learn the 2 most important lessons in life: 'You can't fight city hall' & 'DO judge a book by its cover'. For a more in-depth analysis of this topic (and many more), visit Monkey Migraine Mountain. It'll blow your l'il monkey mind.

  • Christmas items were on store shelves alongside Halloween ones in late August. Hmm, it might've been early September.

  • I severely curtailed my DVD & CD purchasing and the sky did not fall as anticipated.

  • Boy, there sure were a lot of good DVDs & CDs that came out in 2005.

  • The gov'mint & mega-globo corps like the oil industry can do whatever the fuck they please and there is nada that can be done. Zip! So don't even waste yer time puckerin' up yer hole.

  • Shockingly, good BBQ can be found in Jersey after all!

Here's to 2006!

Jan 6, 2006

new year, same horse hockey

Feeling better, many thanks to all you well-wishers! Now to catch up with both posting and reading. 2006, a new year. Imagine the possibilities! Flying cars, time travel, human vs. cyborg sporting events. I'll have to delve into this some more later. For now, a new profile pic. Been told by too many non-Asians & especially Asians (most recently by InfiniteDragon) that I don't look Chinese. People often guess Korean though also Japanese, White-halfsie, Puerto Rican(??), etc. Koreans really love assuming I'm Korean.
The 2nd order of business is taking care o' this meme tagged to me by the lover-ly frog princess. Here goes:

Four jobs I've had in my past:

  • Computer network admin: career path

  • Movingman: once for a lady whose house was full of Nazi shit

  • Temperature-sensitive-stamp plant worker: sprayed liquid Nitrogen on each other as pranks. Whoo!

  • Festival security watchman: tried reporting a fat jerk I didn't like to no avail

Four things I want to do before 2006 is over:
  • Continue career work: want ain't quite the right word

  • Perform live: the band needs work

  • See the whale sharks

  • Visit my sister again

Four things I say a lot:
  • Holy poop!: heh heh. poop.

  • ¡Tienes huevo!: you got balls

  • "You son of a bitch. How are you?!": long story

  • "Gotta avoid that shaft": can you guess which show it was from?

Four things I don't trust:
  • rich people: they're up to something

  • poor people: they want something

  • the government: bend over and take it

  • the average joe asshole: ditto

Four things I do trust:
  • my family

  • closest friends

  • myself

  • music

Four people from history I'd like to meet:
  • Nikola Tesla: I'd like to ask about his death-ray amongst other things

  • Abe Lincoln: seems an interesting fellow

  • Charles Schulz: just to thank him for impacting my life

  • Bruce Lee: gotta learn that one inch punch!

Four best movies of 2005:
well, I saw these in 2005 anyway. Didn't watch many movies last year
  • Batman Begins

  • Kung Fu Hustle

  • Born to Fight: (purely for the stunts)

  • House of Flying Daggers

Four best books I read in 2005: (uh oh)
  • Paris 1919 by Margaret Macmillan (not done)

  • The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams

  • Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky: good enough to count for 2! Plus anything else I read (not much) is not worth listing

Four people tagged: (who probably will ignore this)

This was long and probably useless to any of you who stuck it out, but I salute you! With a real "Bronx cheer".

Jan 3, 2006


I will have much catching up to do once I'm better. Merry new year.