Nov 27, 2007

Kids tell your folks: "Gotta gits me, gotta gits me, that good ol' Jiggle Bee™!"

If I could put a grossly negligent children's product on the market for the holiday season, it would be something called Jiggle Bee™. He would be "...the worst holiday toy of the season" according to Chock full of deliciously sweet lead paint, date-rape drugs, and would utter an annoying incessant catchphrase. Nobody steal my idea!!!


Anonymous said...

I love Jiggle Bee! He made me kill Jimmy Kimmel.

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, very nice. Can you make it have the really high-pitched buzzer sort of voice, too? And maybe it could be honey scented? With toxic chemical scent, of course.

Violet said...

I'm swearing off drinks with bees in 'em.

Dmonster said...

haha, I like how the "moms" said "hands down."

I hate bees. Nevermind the fact that the design and function(??? are horrible. What kind of normal kid would want a BEE toy anyway??

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Add a poison-filled stinger and I'm there.

PBS said...

Sounds like the new Elmo. Hope you got some nice(r) gifts for Christmas!