Dec 7, 2005

Moore. (Moop?)

There's a term in the tech industry dubbed "Moore's Law". It's bandied about in the media, probably by that loud yelling CNBC stockmarket goof. Essentially Intel guy Gordon Moore said, "the number of transistors and resistors on a chip doubles every 18 months". Later he changed it to 24 months. Nowadays this "law" refers to a 2t exponential curve, stating that either computing capacity increases or cost decreases along it, doubling every year or thereabouts.

Something's fishy as I'm sure you can tell. There's no formula or calculation associated with it nor any rigidity in its definition (maybe it was created by Mormons). Taking a wild guess I'll say it skipped the Scientific Method as well. Though Moore was an engineer this thing reeks of econ-talk. It seems akin to something I might make up on the spot right now actually.

Glomgold's Law of NY Drivers: IF an automobile has a NY license plate AND the driver is from the 5 boroughs or Long Island THEN the probability the driver is an asshole who does not comprehend the use of mirrors is 98%. Furthermore the likelihood the driver putters along exclusively in the fast-lane is inversely proportional to the speed x at which the car is travelling. Should x reach zero the vehicle will be perpendicular to the flow of traffic.

From reports I've read, one of the reasons why Moore's Law applies to anything at all is because industry insiders are aware of its presence and feel the need to adhere to it thereby fulfilling its prophecy. That however is not the case with Glomgold's Law because A.) said drivers are unaware of anything and would therefore care naught for this law and B.) sadly, it has been backed by plenty of empirical data.
†Those who've had the displeasure of taking Micro-Economics know it's basically an attempt to stretch a whole semester's worth of busywork out of one elasticity / marginal-cost curve.*
*That dagger † thing rocks.


L said...

this post is HOT

seriously? said...

im fancying the dagger, too. excellent.

Violet said...

and glomgold's law sounds so mathematical too...

yeah, nice dagger

Happy and Blue 2 said...

Just remove the references to NY and you have a law that would apply everywhere..

Rainypete said...

I love scientists. They scurry about creating theories so they can stay employed.

Sara said...

You should put more laws to words.

Omni said...

I took micro-econ, and yes, you're right, LOL!!

PBS said...

I really liked this one, especially the Seinfeld reference!

boudica of suburbia said...

yes...yes.. *ponders*... yes. The taxi's here are the same except we get sexy black hackney cabs and you don't, so ner! :P


kim said...

Well that post was a little too mathy for me but I enjoy your law-making as well. More! More! More!