Sep 30, 2007

This Is Sparta!

Here's a band that seriously looks like it needs to get its collective ass kicked. 'The Magicians of Love' appears to be its name so if you see these guys around you know what to do.

On a nicer note, I've finally gotten around to adding the Jazzgeek to my lil' blogroll on the right there. Take a look. One day I'll clean that whole thing up better but I keep holding out hope 'Happy and Blue' and a few of the others will start blogging again.


Violet said...

They look like an Asian version of the band ABC.

Dmonster said...

I wish Happy and Blue would come back, too. I always enjoyed his posts..

The Asian band looks fobbingly awesome.

PBS said...

"The Magicians of Love" is a funny name, how do they sound? I wish HB2 would come back, too.

glomgold said...

Well, they sure do look FOB, but I'd be kinda scared to put the word 'awesome' in the same sentence with them! hahaha

Dmonster said...

or just plain FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOB. (say it in the manner of which you would say, 'Spartaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa')

Prego said...

I'll get to these guys after I lay waste to those Chemical Romance p*ssies.

Nigel G Mitchell said...

Dear Sir,

Those guys are such pansies.

Boy George, Michael Jackson, and Nathan Lane