Sep 29, 2006


The majority of my office building is occupied by some sort of Health Care Service. One of the signs in the lobby points towards an "Intoxicated Driver Resource Center". I really hope that when one opens the door for that facility it's just a huge boxing glove on a spring that pops out and clobbers the person. Plus a sign that screams, "DON'T DO IT YOU THOUGHTLESS, SELFISH ASSHOLE!!!" because, really, what else needs to be said?

(the long awaited)Cereal Review: Nature's Path Optimum ReBound
I've been gettin' all healthy-shmealthy with my cereals of late. The healthiest & shmealthiest may well be this cereal which consists of freeze-dried bananas, almonds, flax seeds, raisins, matcha green tea, and all this other organic/oaty/nutty/wheaty stuff. I don't even know what a bunch of it is but it must be healthy cuz there's pictures of marathon runners on the box. Anyways, it tastes great if you just let the bananas rehydrate a little prior to your eating them.


Anonymous said...

I've often wanted a huge boxing glove on a spring that could pop out the top of my car and bonk inconsiderate drivers in front of me. Come to think of it, a huge boxing glove on a spring would be handy in so many situations. I think you're onto something.

I need to slow down my reading. I thought your cereal had opium in it.

Anonymous said...

I think there should also be a boxing glove on a spring that punches the person who came up with the name "Intoxicated Driver Resource Center". It sounds like a place where they will help you find your car keys or something.

The cereal sounds so healthy. In a "there's too much crap in my cereal" kind of way..

Dmonster said...

I'm hoping that once you step into the office, it's just a huge black hole. Then they'll disappear forev.... I mean, of course the boxing glove would be a good idea too. ^_^

I pulled out my teeth and I can't chew for a while. I'm thinking I won't be able to try this cereal at the moment. The green tea part sounds interesting..

Rainypete said...

Actually it's a photoelectric eye. Once they step inside and break the beam a mechanical boot delivaers a near lethal dose of workboot into their posterior region. Upon recovering consciousness they then fiond themselves locked in a small room where they are starpped down and forced to try and justify their actions to a panel comprised of peopel who have lost friends and family memebrs at the hands of drunk drivers.

And that cereal sounds like somthing I loaded into my bridfeeder this weekend.......without the bananas. I don't think birds can buy milk beause they don't have anywhere to keep a wallet..........except maybe for pelicans.

sumo said...

What's the name of the cereal?!!! It isn't Nature's Path Optimum Rebound? I don't think a name like that would sell except at a health food store.