Nov 10, 2006

Gallup Poll

The Gallup poll's been calling and finally got through to me. I was amped to be one of the survey respondents who'd constitute that sample group whose opinions would be representational of a larger whole which would then influence trendspotters who would pass the information on to policymakers who form thinktanks which would then recommend procedures to whomever's in charge on how to sway mass public opinion to his perverted way of thinking.
First question: "How old are you?". Also the last question.
Unfortunately the time it took Gallup to finally reach me was enough for me to age out of their demographic group. Fie!


Anonymous said...

Ha,ha..Many are called. Few are chosen. Or something like that..

PBS said...

What a bummer. I like doing (some of the) surveys.

Maurice Mitchell said...


Anonymous said...

Oh, my. How distressing to think that nobody cares about your geezerly opinion. I shake my cane at Gallup!

Prego said...

What were they polling? School lunches?