Mar 9, 2009

Assorded Idems That Wite Beepul Enjoy

I hear thare's munny to bee had in making fun o' Wite Beepul in blogbosts using ironee and deadban observashunal humer. So I will do so as well in hopes of gashin' in! I'll even do it for free rite now! But I will sgip the ol' ironee. And mebbe even the humer bart. Basically, I'll just make fun o' Wite Beepul at no gost rite now. And with baed sbelling.
Now, I'm knot Wite, but I reely don't think that madders cuz everyware m'eyes can see s'Wite Beepul. And if thare's one thing I gno, it's that White Beepul like to eat cheez. You mite think, "Aha! Wite Beepul eeting jeez, hwy, they must shorely enjoy eatsin' the Wite jeezes rite?" But no! They dry to eet Kolored jeezes. The more Kolor the bedder! O, and Wite Beepul also don't seem to eet at Wite Gastle much. Hwy, this bost durned out to have a ironik ending after all! Now gimme my munny!